If you live in zip codes 77005, 77025, 77030, 77045, 77081 or 77401, then call our Society of St. Vincent de Paul Church Conference Helpline at 713-664-5350 or email svdp77025@gmail.com.
If you live elsewhere in the greater Houston area please contact 713-741-8234, vist this website svdphouston.org, or call 211 or visit www.211texas.org .
You might also find support by reaching out to the resources listed below.
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Unemployment Benefits: https://www.twc.texas.gov/jobseekers/unemployment-benefits-services
To submit an unemployment application you will need:
Last employer's business name and address
First and last dates (month, day and year) you worked for your last employer
Number of hours worked and pay rate if you worked this week (including Sunday)
Information related to your normal wage
Alien Registration Number (if not a U.S. citizen or national)
TANF: One time financial assistance. https://www.hhs.texas.gov/services/financial/cash/tanf-cash-help
SNAP/Food Stamps: https://www.hhs.texas.gov/services/food/snap-food-benefits
Harris Health (Gold Card): https://www.harrishealth.org/
Program information on this resource page is subject to change. We recommend calling to confirm the information listed above.