If you live in zip codes 77005, 77025, 77030, 77045, 77081 or 77401, then call our Society of St. Vincent de Paul Church Conference Helpline at 713-664-5350 or email svdp77025@gmail.com.
If you live elsewhere in the greater Houston area please contact 713-741-8234, vist this website svdphouston.org, or call 211 or visit www.211texas.org .
You might also find support by reaching out to the resources listed below.
CCSC JobNet: 3224 Mercer, Houston, Texas 77027, 713-626-8320, www.ccschouston.org Attend Orientation Monday or Wednesday 10:00am
Career and Recovery: 2525 San Jacinto Street, Houston, Texas 77002, 713-754-7000, https://www.careerandrecovery.org/employment-services/ a United Way non-profit agency
City Wide Club: 4101 San Jacinto #206, Houston, TX 77004, 713-752-2582, www.citywideclub.com/job-referral-placement-program/
Houston Area Urban League: 1301 Texas Street, Houston, TX 77002, 713-393-8700, https://www.haul.org/programs/workforce/
The Houston Gulf Coast Building Trades Council: 1301 West 13th Street, Suite D, Deer Park, Texas 77536, 713-926-4433, https://hgcbctc.org/apprentices/
Memorial Assistance Ministries: 1625 Blalock Rd., Houston, TX 77080, 713-468-4516, www.mamjobsnetwork.org
Pacesetter – Temp-to-Perm Employment Service: 6375 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX 77057, 713-974-9000, www.pps.com
SEARCH Homeless Services (Employment): 2015 Congress Avenue, Houston, TX 77002, 713-739-7752, www.searchhomeless.org
The Workfaith Connection: 5100 Travis Street, Houston, Texas 77002, 281-833-3435, www.workfaithconnection.org
Workforce Solutions (Texas Unemployment Commission): 9315 Stella Link Road, Houston, TX 77025, 713-661-3220, www.wrksolutions.com
Texas Workforce Commission: link for open jobs: https://www.workintexas.com/vosnet/JobBanks/JobSearchCriteriaQuick.aspx
Job Referrals for Senior Citizens
AARP Foundation: Worksearch for Workers ages 50+, Senior Community Services, 7015 Gulf Fwy # 140, Houston, TX 77087, 713-643-3200, https://www.aarp.org/aarp-foundation/our-work/income/scsep/
Career Counseling and Development/Senior Training and Referral Services
Part of Career Recovery Resources: 2525 San Jacinto @ McGowan, Houston, TX 77002, 713-754-7000, https://www.careerandrecovery.org/employment-services/
SER Jobs for Progress of the Texas Gulf Coast: Specialized services for senior citizens, vets, and laid-off employees, 1710 Telehone Rd., Houston, TX 77023, 713-773-6000, https://serjobs.org/
Program information on this resource page is subject to change. We recommend calling to confirm the information listed above.