Contact Us
For assistance* or to volunteer
please email or call us.
Email: svdp77025@gmail.com
Phone: 713-664-5350
We return calls M-F 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.
*We serve zip neighbors who live in zip codes 77005, 77025, 77030, 77045, 77081, or 77401.
If you live elsewhere in the great Houston area please contact 713-741-8234, vist this website svdphouston.org, or call 211 or visit www.211texas.org .
"The poor are the treasure of the Church and we must care for them."
-Pope Francis
All you need is the desire to help people. We provide the training.
You decide how much time you can give.
We are a society that supports one another.
Your efforts will make an impact and all talent and time is appreciated. Together, we can impact not only one person or one family, but also generations to come.
You will be giving back to your own community, a growing community that needs support.
What does the Society of SVDP mean to Vincentian Volunteers?
"The deeper answer for me involves the members of the group. We meet twice a month and socialize as well. Being new to Houston, the Society of SVdP is not just a church group for me; they are my family
and my friends."
"Each time I go on a home visit, I meet joy filled individuals who need assistance. They always thank us, but I should thank them as I receive the greater blessing."
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
6800 Buffalo Speedway
Houston, Texas 77025