If you live in zip codes 77005, 77025, 77030, 77045, 77081 or 77401, then call our Society of St. Vincent de Paul Church Conference Helpline at 713-664-5350 or email svdp77025@gmail.com.
If you live elsewhere in the greater Houston area please contact 713-741-8234, vist this website svdphouston.org, or call 211 or visit www.211texas.org .
If you would like to learn more about the spirituality of helping the poor, then please call 713-664-5350 or email svdp77025@gmail.com.Â
You might also find support by reaching out to the resources listed below.
Halo House Foundation: 2940 Corder St., Houston, TX 77054, 713-665-8852, https://www.halohousefoundation.org The facility includes 33 apartments for blood cancer patients and their family or caregiver, a chapel, community room, fitness center, and peaceful gardens. Every aspect of the building’s design was planned for guests to feel welcomed and comforted.
Hospitality Apartments: 7300 Bertner, Houston, TX 77030, 713-790-9120, https://www.hospitalityapartments.org/
In Spirit Patient Housing: Provides affordable apartments to people traveling to the Texas Medical Center for medical treatment and their friends or families. It is furnished by local churches. https://www.inspirithousing.org/
Premier Patient Housing: Offers furnished apartments for nightly or monthly rates for any patients, doctors and nurses temporarily relocating to the Texas Medical Center. 281-972-0666,
Ronald McDonald House – Houston: 1907 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030, 713-795-3500, https://rmhhouston.org/
Hope Lodge: For cancer patients. 6801 Ardmore Street, Houston, TX 77054, Phone: 713-848-8905, https://www.cancer.org/support-programs-and-services/patient-lodging/hope-lodge/houston/about-our-facility.html
Nora’s Home: For transplant patients and their families. 8300 El Rio St, Houston, TX 77054, 832-831-3720, https://norashome.org/
Dan’s House of Hope: For young adults fighting cancer. https://danshouseofhope.org/
Fisher House: For military families in need of medical housing, 2002 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX 77030, 713-794-7784, https://fisherhouse.org/programs/houses/current-houses/texas-michael-e-debakey-va-medical-center-i-ii-iii/
List of 12 Hospitality Houses: https://norashome.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Hospitality-Houses-for-Greater-Houston.pdf
Program information on this resource page is subject to change. We recommend calling to confirm the information listed above.