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Image by Andrew Seaman

About Us



Vincentians are called to journey together towards holiness, because true holiness is perfect union with Christ and the perfection of love, which is central to their vocation. They aspire to burn with the love of God as revealed by Christ and to deepen their own faith. Vincentians seek His glory, not their own. Their ideal is to help relieve suffering for love alone, without thinking of any reward or advantage for themselves. They draw nearer to Christ, serving Him in the poor and one another. They grow more perfect in love by expressing compassionate and tender love to the poor and one another. 




Dear potential volunteer,


Welcome to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Vincent de Paul Parish. We feel so blessed that you are called to this work. We look forward to you growing spiritually as you encounter Jesus in the poor and suffering.


Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (or “Vincentians”) are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need. We are young and old. We are diverse in backgrounds and financial status. The group has about 40 members who help answer calls and visit our poor neighbors in their homes. All of us are blessed with awareness that our time, talent, and treasure are to be shared with our brothers and sisters in need.


We meet twice a month, usually on Thursdays. The second meeting is a fellowship meeting and may be on an alternate date, like Saturday morning or a spiritually significant date. Our meetings consist of prayer, a Scripture reading and reflection, discussion of home visits/caller experiences, presentation of our conference financial status, discussion of and planning for various policies, projects and other activities in which the Society engages, and fellowship.


All members are required to attend and complete Ozanam Orientation within one year of joining the Society. This is a one day or two evening program which covers the history, mission, values and work of the Society and understanding of poverty.


St. Vincent de Paul said, “Go to the poor and you will find God.” In the home visit, Vincentians go in twos, like the disciples sent out by Jesus. They meet the poor in their homes in order to show love and respect. Prayer is an integral part of the home visit. Vincentians pray together before the visit, and with the family near the conclusion of the visit.


Each year the conference provides Christmas gift cards to families we have helped in the past year funded by parishioner donations.


We hope this overview helps in your discernment to join the Society.




St. Patrick's Breastplate 

(Prayer for those in  need)


May the strength of God Guide them
and may His power preserve them.

May the wisdom of God instruct them;

the eye of God watch over them;

the ear of God hear them;

the Word of God give sweetness to their speech;

the hand of God defend them;

and may they follow the way of God.

Christ be with them, Christ before them.

Christ be after them, Christ within them.

Christ beneath them, Christ above them.

Christ at their right hand, Christ at their left.

Christ in the heart of every one who thinks of them.

Christ in the mouth of every one who speaks to them.

Christ in every eye that sees them.

Christ in every ear that hears them.


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